Tuesday, January 15, 2008

a icarus ruff done on the renfe train ride home.

here is a ruff Icarus I did on the train ride home. Its a bit femanine, somethingI wanted to capture.... but it was way more soft than intended. Take for granted it was on a long train ride home after work. But over all im happy with it. Im sure I will clean it up and take another shot at it.


SeiKion said...

Hey Man!

Long time since your last update!

And please, when you have a moment, send me the photos from the "Saló del Cómic" comic con. ;) my mail adress is seikion (at) gmail.com

Keep drawing at the train and uploading your sketches, theyre great.



Ferran Sellares said...

Man, what happens? We want more!